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SGP - Dutch Reformed Political Party

History and background

SGP was founded in 1918, one year after the introduction of universal male suffrage in the Netherlands, and is the oldest political party within the country.

The party was established in response to the dilution of Biblical principles, as observed by its founders, in other Christian parties at that time.

Politics of SGP is rooted in the Christian-historical tradition, and formed by the ideas of St. Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin and the Dutch political thinker Groen van Prinsterer. Key to their thoughts is the significance of the Ten Commandments for politics and society. Church and state are two separated realms, but belief and politics cannot be separated. There is no neutrality in politics, due the different worldviews politicians adhere.

Since 1922, SGP has continuously occupied one to three seats in the House of Representatives, with currently three seats (out of 150). In the Senate, SGP has two seats (out of 75).

SGP usually gets a stable 2 percent of all votes during national elections. SGP has one Representative within the European Parliament. Our MEP is part of the ECR family (European Conservatives and Reformists) and member of the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM). You can here download the ECPM Summary Election Manifesto 2019.


  • we practice politics in line with Biblical values and principles
  • we stand up for Christian culture and tradition in the Netherlands
  • we defend life – starting from the wonderful moment of conception – as a gift of God
  • we value the healthy family as a cornerstone of society
  • we advocate fair taxation
  • we stimulate people to look after and take care for one another
  • we want people to feel safe, both in- and outside their homes
  • we believe government should guarantee and respect the freedoms of citizens
  • we value European/international cooperation based on the sovereignty of States
  • we stand up for persecuted fellow-Christians


SGP-International is an independent foundation related to SGP. Through funding by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, SGP-International cooperates with political parties and civil society organizations in Eastern European and Middle East countries. In general, this cooperation consists of providing financial support to and co-organizing training activities such as conferences, summer schools, leadership training, etc., with the ultimate aim to foster the process of democratization and to help building the rule of law.

Our trainers are experts on the requested topics, with a background in e.g. Christian politics, education, the academic sphere, economics. Cooperation between SGP-International and its foreign partners is demand-driven. We do not intend to impose our ideas on other people, but we are glad to share our experiences and we are happy to learn from others as well. We operate on the basis of respect and shared Biblical values.

SGP-International aims to build an international network of likeminded Christian parties and civil society organizations to strengthen a Biblical political voice around the world.

If you want to have more information about SGP’s political viewpoints and activities, whether in the Netherlands, within the European Parliament or on the international stage, please contact SGP-International.

Dinkel 7
The Netherlands
E-mail: international@sgp.nl

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